Love is in the HAIR!

Are you celebrating the “Month of LOVE” in your business? You might think that question sounds cheesy but stay with me here. Harnessing calendar events and using them as marketing specials is an easy and fun way to promote service offerings and products to your clients!
Valentine’s day is a perfect excuse to have your guests do things to LOVE their hair even more! Last year at my salon in Jupiter, Florida, we actually celebrated February 14 with a “Love is in the Hair” luxury treatment, using Cellula Madre, and a blowout special! It was so much fun!!! But, obviously, things look and feel a little different still, so I propose we treat “Love is in the Hair” a little differently this year.
Instead of just promoting treatments and hair health for one day, why not promote them the entire month! Invite your guests in for their scheduled services and offer a complimentary express treatment or luxury Cellula Madre add on! Side note, you’re going to want to make sure and stock up on your treatments so you don’t run out! Been there, done that. It’s no good.
You can offer the Semi De Lino Shine Lotion all month long for an added value to your already booked services! Not only is this “complimentary” add on something that just grows your trust factor with your clients, but they will also 100% fall in love and ask for it again! To entice new and existing guests to book in February, offer a Cellula Madre treatment special! We offered it coupled with a blowout, but you can fully get creative for what works for your business.
Treatments are such an amazing way to increase your value offerings to your clients while increasing your ticket price without adding a ton of time needed in your schedule! If you haven’t tapped into using them, you’re missing out! I can almost guarantee you’ll *ahem* fall in love. (Sorry, not sorry.)
February is THE PERFECT month to LOVE on your clients, get them to LOVE on their hair, and LOVE their experience in the salon. Don’t skip over this perfect opportunity to maybe try something new, ok?!
Missy M. @soyourahairstylist